Sunday, July 12, 2009

Deadline Confusion

Just got back from a mini-vacation, and noticed the deadline mayhem. We're going with the one in the packet, July 8th, for Their Eyes Were Watching God. I've enjoyed reading your comments, and am looking forward to meeting you in the fall.


  1. Hi Mrs. Heartz, I had a question about the Introduction for the essay. I'm confused on what would would considered a good hook. Are we supposed to explain part of our topic? Or try and compare both of the books together? Please get back to me when you have a chance, and I'll try to start and write other parts of the essay.

  2. Hi Sam,
    The hook is going to broadly address the topic that you're exploring for both novels in the essay. You have many options for accompishing this purpose (question, quote, provocative statement, scenario, etc.). For example, if you are writing about defining romantic love in both novels, you may begin with a series of questions: "What is true love? Is it...? Is it....?" Hopefully, your hook will be much jazzier than that, but you get the idea. After the general, broad hook introducing the topic, then you do a BRIEF background of each novel as it connects to the topic. Finally, the thesis will shine in all its glory (add titles and authors as well as the literary device- symbol, theme, etc- in thesis. See packet for further details. Hope this helps. Please send me an email or reply to this comment if you have questions.

  3. Mrs. Heartz,
    I made a terrifically horrible mistake. I, for some unknown reason, was under the impression that the quote deadline for A Farewell to Arms was the twenty-fifth. I know that thats not an excuse and that it is clearly stated in the packet as the twentieth, but i had four of my five quotes in on time and installed my fifth and a sixth quote the day after the deadline. I was wondering if in this situation you would just take off credit or if I would be taken out of the honors program. If you could please get back to me that would be great. Thank you, and I'm so sorry.

  4. Hi Jenny,
    I replied to you via email. Let me know if you didn't get it.
