This section is dripping with satire of romantic writers; which of Tom Sawyer's ideas did you find most ridiculous? Why do Huck and Jim go along with him? What do Huck's actions in this section reveal about his "journey" throughout the novel? (Has he grown or backtracked in this section?) Some critics (Hemingway included) love the book, but are unhappy with the end. Were you satisfied with the ending or do you agree with them? How does the tone of the ending contrast with the rest of the novel? How does the focus/emphasis shift? Are these positive or negative changes? How does Huck fare in the inherited prejudice vs. human dignity spectrum in this part? What are Huck's plans at the end of the novel? What does the last statement he makes tell you about him? How does it relate to a recurring theme in the novel?

Monday, November 9, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Ch. 24-31: Conning the Conmen
What's your opinion of the duke and king at this point? What should Huck and Jim do about them? What do you think is the object of Twain's satrical barbs in the Wilks episode? What is Huck's major moral tranformation? What did you make of his exchanges and thoughts regarding Mary Jane? Could it be love? How does Twain develop the themes of truth vs. falsehood and appearance vs. reality here? Do you notice any irony or foreshadowing in this section? What else were you thinking as you read these chapters?
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Huck Finn Ch. 17-24: Introducing the Duke and King, The Satire Continues...
Soooo, what did you make of the Grangerford episode? Did it remind you of anything? What do you think Twain is satirizing in this section? What do you make of the "duke" and "king"? Which of their antics do you find the most absurd, comical, and/or despicable? What function do you think they serve in the plot/narrative structure? How are they examples of satire? This section takes place mostly on land. Keeping in mind the theme of nature vs. civilization, what is Twain implying by the dark events that occur in this episode? Did you notice any examples of irony, parody, allusion, symbol, or possible foreshadowing? What do you think (or hope) will happen next?